Well.. here I am. You hang around the net long enough and sooner or later (and in my case later) you start tinkering around with blogging...SO, I though I should at least start with a topic I am familiar with. Besides I got to have someplace to show off my efforts:).
This is definitely going to be a work in progress so bear with me, I am not the most computer literate person around and thank god for spell check.
Just what does all this mean, well, I'm a big fan of Warhammer and Warhammer 40K. It started years ago with Battletech (back when FASA was around). I was one of those gamers that had all the source material I could lay my hands on. I had a number of innershpere mechs and an entire clan galaxy--painted. Then gripped by a momentary lapse of reason, I divested myself of the whole lot.....(been regretting that ever since)
So years later when my sanity finally left me completely, I started getting the itch to not only build models again, but game too. So there I was, what to do what to do.. as if with work, family and life in general I have time to do this... Well, I wandered into my local hobby shop, saw all the pretty GW stuff lining the shelves, watched a couple of demo games... and have been hooked ever since.
It all started with 40k... Space marines... then came the High Elves... I've since moved on from those humble beginings... I now (and why this ramble began in the first place) have amassed a sizable force of Empire, The Royal Hochland Guards, and Imperial Guard, the Catachan 2nd RCT. Hence the title of this Blog.
Anyhow this is where I'll post my ongoing progress in army building and terrain construction and adventures in gaming....
To start with, I give you:
1st Platoon, A Company/2nd Catachan RCT.
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